Saturday, December 1


Snow fell today, thick and fast. I am only slightly worried that Symphony performance might be canceled tommorow, but probably will proceed with all the pomp and splendor planned. Anyway, food calls and I will leave you with a few images.

Sunday, November 25

Full Moon

It all figures. The moon is full. (Note: The moon was full last night. =). ) I was under the weather for few days but now am only very sore having spent 36 hours in bed. This bring back to the moon as it helped me talk like a lunatic when chatting with Yinyang Girl. Yep, I blame it on the moon.

I was eagerly awaiting the full moon for some photos, but unfortunately, it was cloudy. Typical. I did manage to get a few shots of it on the 22nd, so those will have to fill in.